Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Just Sayin'

Jessica Biel, sometime last Saturday, after leaving the store where J'Dizzle works, wearing the necklace given to her, and sometime before Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake went back to the store together.

J'Dizzle is wanting to be discreet, and has asked me to be, also. Mostly because the jeweler she works for is linked to her personal Facebook page. And because I have Liked the store's page. She has forbid me  to gloat about it to all my friends on Facebook.

But here....well...


J'Dizzle was working in the store front with the owner, we'll call him Liam, when Jessica Biel came in with a girlfriend. Liam, such a nice guy, was showing Jessica some of the Jewelry, then told her how he would love for J'Dizzle to explain to Jessica the properties of one of the rarer stones. (What a thoughtful, unselfish gesture. I already liked Liam based on the things that J'Dizzle had told me, but this display of generosity scored big with me. Not that it matters...)

Anyway, Jessica and J'Dizzle had a lovely conversation about jewels and gemstones. Jessica bought something, a ring, I think, and Liam gave her the necklace she is wearing in the photo above. As Jessica left, she said "So you are J'Dizzle, right?" J'Dizzle said that was correct, then Jessica said, as she took J'Dizzle's hand, "I'm Jessie." 

Later on...just as J'Dizzle was locking the door to close for the evening, and reflecting -to herself- on her star-struck day...

"Wow, if only Jessica had come in the store with my teenage idol, Justing Timberlake...{sigh}"

...she saw Jessica's pretty face outside of the store again! Then like a magnet her eyes met those of the her adolescent heart throb, Justin Timberlake! She unlocked the door and invited them in, and then quickly re-locked the store. (How many people can say that they have locked themselves in a room with TWO celebrities?) The couple stayed for about 20 minutes, and JT bought a ring. 

J'Dizzle called me after leaving the store for the night, very excited. She said, "Ooooh mom! Justin is SOooo Hhhh-hh-hot! And Jessica is SOooo beautiful, so naturally perfect!"

Yes, I believe they are. But I just can't help point out that although Jessica Biel is extremely lovely, J'Dizzle is the most beautiful person I know, inside and out. 

Maybe that's a mom thing. Maybe I am biased. I am just thinking it was a once in a lifetime opportunity for JT and JB to have met my amazing daughter. 
J'Dizzle on the Rocks
Jessica on the Rocks
Jessica and J'Dizzle
Super Hero Jessica

Super Hero J'Dizzle

One more of her beautiful smile. 
Just sayin'.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Crossing of the Fingers

BB graduates from high school in 20 days. *crossing my fingers*
For his grad announcement. His picks:
He will, I know he will. BB decided to do mostly all online classes for the last trimester of his Senior year, but he has not taken the work seriously. Yesterday his online teacher called me to say he had until the 12th to raise his English grade to "passing", or he would not graduate. 

"Thank you," says me. "I'll pass that information along." 

The hardest part is letting BB decide for himself if he passes or fails, graduates or not. 

The past 6 months have been especially difficult with BB. When I banned the XBox last in our home last November-ish he took it as a personal assault and completely cut me off. He officially did not need me; I was dead to him. It was a new Cold War where battles were fought with dirty looks and silent treatments. Many times I lost my swagger out of frustration and said things I regret. Always I apologized and tried to bring him back, but the damage was done and his resentment deepened. Most days I put on my happy face, hug him (one way affection) or at least I make it a point to put my arm around him or give a love pat in passing. I consciously say hello and goodbye and "How was your day." I often just start talking to him about random things while he sits at the computer in the kitchen. Sometimes I get a hint of acknowledgment, sometimes I realize he has his earbuds in. 

Grad announcement. 
The other day, however, after I did something nice for him...I don't know...I think I put his laundry in the dryer or something...he said goodbye to me before leaving for school. I am not sure he meant to say it. It may have been a slip. 

I cried buckets over it after he left. Imagine me crying because he said "Bye." 

Another bright spot was that on a "good" day this week, he let me take his senior pictures. I realize the motivation for him was that getting the photos done meant I would produce his graduation announcements, and that grandparents would be sending him gift money. He was not warm and fuzzy by any means, of course, but the fact that he was with me, and we were together, and we were doing something together, was a huge boon for me!  However, I realize that this is not a permanent change in do stuff with me, to acknowledge me, to give me such liberty with his time. But I'll take any small ray of hope at this point and treasure it in the moment. 
Grad announcement. 

BB finally got a job at McDonald's about a month ago (and the angels sang). I think he secretly likes it, but all I get is a grunt/shrug whenever I ask. Most of his income goes to pay off his debts - as per the demands of his probation officer. If he works hard and gets most of it paid by July it looks like he will get to be released. Yay! *crossing fingers on my other hand*

Grad announcement.

And, he has an $8,000 debate scholarship to the College of Our State - pending his high school graduation. I am so thrilled and proud of him for getting that scholarship! I don't know how he plans to pay for the other $22,000 per semester he will need, and thinking about it makes me so nervous. 
I liked this one but he didn't choose it for the announcements. Here I said "smile!" Miracle of miracles. 
He has 2 years of free tuition here at our hometown university (religious), because KC teaches there, but BB refuses to consider it, out of contempt for me, for KC, and our religious beliefs. Did I mention before that BB stopped attending church meetings about 9 months ago? Yes, it hurts, but it's fine. I don't see any point in forcing my beliefs on him. I have lovingly taught him Christian values and specifically LDS doctrine from the day he was born. Now it's up to him to choose what he will. Every morning I invite him to come to family prayer and scripture study, and once in a while he does. He still participates in our 12 minute family home evenings, even if it's just KC and BB and me. He'll even pray, if asked. Treasured moments.

I am out of fingers. Maybe I could wish upon a star. I have had many, many conversations with God on BB's behalf, as He knows him better than I do. 

I also added this one to his grad announcement. 

I wish you could see his genuine smile here.  This pup was crying the whole time we were there. BB LOVES animals, especially dogs, so his natural beautiful smile came through for this little dog. When he turned back around to face me it gone. 

I was saying "Smile!" again...but he couldn't hear I shouted "Smile! With teeth!".....

Oh, yeah....that looks natural. Never-mind.