Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cherry on Top

10:20 PM...I FINISHED! I spent two days and two nights (until 3:00 AM each night) cleaning the dog pee smell out of my carpets. Success! Yay! I was exhausted and extremely cranky, and hadn't been all that nice throughout the day to those who matter the most to me. Not something I am proud of. I made a mental note to be nicer. I plunked down in my office chair and opened my laptop to Facebook. My little doggie, Sammy, came in to greet me, and looking up at me with that sweet face, urinated. 

Seriously? Can anyone explain this? 

I lost my cool. Rare for me. Later, after a rant and a good cry, I picked up Sammy out of his kennel and took him out on the front steps and just held him while it poured rain. We talked about it. Told him I was so sorry for scaring him that way. And in his doggie eyed language he told me he was sorry, too, although I never could get him to tell me why he did it. I brought him in the kitchen and offered him food and a drink, but he was still too shaken, and hid from me. Usually he hides from others in my shadow. 

This morning all was forgotten, and he was following me around again, one step behind, like a good member of the pack. AGH! Why do I love that mutt so much? 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Confessions of a Dog Lover

DO NOT buy a black light unless you want to be horrified.

I love dogs. And I love my dogs the most. They are the sweetest mutts ever. Strays that were abandoned in our neighborhood as puppies.

 Sammy on the day he was found wandering our neighborhood. 

J'Dizzle giving Gretel kisses. 

Gretel  (10 years old) has always been potty trained. She's always asked to go out if she needed to. But Sammy (3 year sold) has been a problem dog. It took a good year to learn how to train him, but I did it. In the mean time he was having accidents in my house, usually while I was away and he was off his chain or out of his kennel, on the boy's watch. I always have cleaned any mess right up. But lately....our home has started to...ugh....


KC and I go sniffing all over looking for the foul odor. But lately, it's just a presence. It's so awful, and I am so embarrassed. I don't want anyone to come over until I figure out how to fix it.

So I bought the black light, and 3 quarts of urine stuff, that's guaranteed to get rid of the odor or "your money back". Was I skeptical about the black light? Yes. I'll admit I was. I began downstairs in the two connecting family rooms, where the odor seemed to be more than anywhere else. I darkened the room and turned on the black-light.


The sea of florescent green dry pee puddles before me was shocking. I had no idea. It was overwhelming. Sickening.

The lights came on and I read the directions on the bottle of urine solution. It said to saturate the spot thoroughly, and let dry. Ok. Easy enough. I turned off the lights again, turned on the black light, and used the entire quart bottle on six spots.

That's when I knew I was in deep doo-doo. There had to be a better way.

I found a recipe on the internet for a do it yourself solution, requiring white vinegar, baking soda, dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. The recipe is enough for one spot. Agh! I knew I had 3 gallons of white vinegar in my food storage, so I found it and began the first step: a solution of equal parts of vinegar and water, to deeply saturate each spot. At 11:00 PM, I ran out of vinegar. (That's 6 gallons of solution, folks!)

Off to Walmart to buy more vinegar then,12 miles away.  They were closed, but Albertson's was still open! I came out with 6 gallons of white vinegar, 12 pounds of baking soda, and a gallon of hydrogen peroxide. It's a wonder that I wasn't reported to the police for purchasing questionable ingredients. Just in case, I had the urine solution recipe in my hand in the store. I picked up a diet Dr. Pepper for the trip home.

At 3:30 AM I finished applying the hydrogen peroxide solution over the baking soda layer of each soiled spot on the downstairs carpet. Rubbed it all in good. Now I just have to let it dry, and vacuum up the baking soda. Then I'll steam clean the entire carpet again with a pet owners carpet cleaning solution. It will probably be the day after tomorrow before that thick downstairs carpet completely dries.

This morning I woke up and ran downstairs to take a whiff....smelled like vinegar and baking soda and wet dog down there. AAAGH! But it's still wet. There is still hope.

Last night when I finished I took the black light upstairs to see the damage on the carpet of our main living area. Not nearly as bad as downstairs, but still, not good. I was surprised at all the clever places a dog can pee. Now that it's dark I am off to repeat the process upstairs. Not looking forward to another all-nighter, but I am looking forward to no more wretched filthy dog pee smell.

Wish me luck.

Monday, July 18, 2011

While I Was Rinsing My Home Grown Lettuce

...and just after he took out the trash, cooked burgers on the grill, and cleaned up the mess he left in the living room:

Me: Now you can fill the dishwasher.

BigBear: WHY!?

Me: Because your attitude stinks. When you can learn to do a simple chore with a good attitude, maybe I won't give you more chores to do.

BigBear: What are you talking about!? What am I doing!?

Me: You are being argumentative.

BigBear: No I'm NOT! (...here he pauses, possibly to take in the stupid thing he just said...and then:) Your attitude is much worse than mine!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Nightmares are made of Fear

My worst nightmare came true. After BigBear's first sale, he called or texted several times each day with fears and doubts. It started as...

  • Oh, it's so hot here. And the hours are so long.
  • I don't have any money, and I don't know why they haven't paid me.
Week two he got his second sale, and it escalated to:
  • Oh, crap, I just knocked on an off duty police officer's door. My manager forgot to give me my permit today so this guy is calling the police. Oh crap! The police are here...
  • I really hate this Mom. 
And finally, 
  • I want to come home. I can't do this anymore. 
That was 3 weeks ago. A week ago today I picked him up at the airport. With the cost of his flights and food, he didn't even break even. It was a harsh job, working 8 hours a day, going door to door, and getting them slammed in his face. I was surprised that he chose it. It's not something I would have dreamed of doing. Ever. But BigBear is different. He's not afraid of people. He's not afraid of adventure. He chose this job, so I didn't doubt he could do it. 

I was his confidant and friend while he was gone. So full of I love you's and I miss you's and thanks for adding money to my debit card momma. But now that he's home, and because I have set boundaries, I am at the top of his Hate List. I guess that's just where I have to be for a while, although it's hurtful. Being a "White" personality, (See http://www.colorcode.com/ ) and having a Red/Yellow son, is really REALLY difficult. I hate setting boundaries/rules/consequenses...mostly because I know I have to follow through if I want to be a successful parent. All my other children pretty much were able to follow the rules and do what was asked of them. But BigBear, not so much.

BigBear wants to do things his own way in his own time. So if I ask tell him to pick up his clothes, it won't get done unless there is a time limit and a consequence attached. 

Here are some of the boundaries I have set up since he came home: 
  • No computer until you have a job.
  • Clean up your own dishes. (No consequence attached.)
  • Be five minutes early to church and don't leave early. Consequence: I take your iPod for a week. 
  • No more staying up all night. (No consequence attached.)
So I guess I am in trouble for being weak and not having thought of consequences for the two. But I really felt proud of myself for attaching the ones I did do. Although it took me a couple of hours to rehearse in my mind how I would present them, and then a couple more hours to gussy up enough courage to lay down the law. 

Pathetic, right?

What do I get in return?  He is punishing me with distance, grunting for answers, and sassy attitude responses when I ask him anything. Yay me. 

I KNOW MOM! You have told me that I can't leave church early a MILLION times already. 
Well, BigBear, if I don't tell you what will happen if you leave early, you will claim that I never told you the consequences when it does happen. 
Well if you'd just lower your standards! You make things so difficult!
My standards are not all that high, Sweetheart. 

This is when it's hard not to lose who I am. This is when it's hard to pick my battles. This is when it's hard to walk away, and button my lips. All because he can. not. know. that I have a raging fire in my head when he speaks to me that way, and its all I can do to not to verbally attack him and take every toy and privilege away from him. He can not know because I will not allow him to know his attitude crushes my heart, and because I am strong and because I am the one in control. 

And I want to Holy Spirit in my life. I need divine instruction, and if I lose my temper, I lose the guidance of the Spirit. 

So I walk away, and act as if I have the entire universe in the palm of my hand.  

I have have been praying for BigBear in my every prayer, and today I fasted for him, too, asking that doors would open for him to find employment, and that his heart to soften toward me. I don't know how else to help him. But I know that Heavenly Father can, and will if it's His desire. Because God loves him so much more than I can imagine...so much more than I do. And I love him more than my own life. So the hardest part is letting go of the fear, doing my very best as a parent, and trusting in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 

Ugh. Somebody remind me tomorrow that Jacob's clothes are still not picked up.