10:20 PM...I FINISHED! I spent two days and two nights (until 3:00 AM each night) cleaning the dog pee smell out of my carpets. Success! Yay! I was exhausted and extremely cranky, and hadn't been all that nice throughout the day to those who matter the most to me. Not something I am proud of. I made a mental note to be nicer. I plunked down in my office chair and opened my laptop to Facebook. My little doggie, Sammy, came in to greet me, and looking up at me with that sweet face, urinated.
Seriously? Can anyone explain this?
I lost my cool. Rare for me. Later, after a rant and a good cry, I picked up Sammy out of his kennel and took him out on the front steps and just held him while it poured rain. We talked about it. Told him I was so sorry for scaring him that way. And in his doggie eyed language he told me he was sorry, too, although I never could get him to tell me why he did it. I brought him in the kitchen and offered him food and a drink, but he was still too shaken, and hid from me. Usually he hides from others in my shadow.
This morning all was forgotten, and he was following me around again, one step behind, like a good member of the pack. AGH! Why do I love that mutt so much?
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