Me (Bridges):
JD {J'Dizzle}, my 22 year old single daughter living in NYC. Models for fun. Sociology major, hoping to work in the criminal justice field. Dating hot Argentinean artist.
JZ (JaZzy), my 19 year old. A freshman at our hometown university where KC teaches. Loves Jazz, skateboarding and snowboarding. Certified lifeguard and works for the city water park and McDonald's. He lives near campus and I don't get to see him as much as I like. Not a mean bone in his body. Open, thoughtful, helpful. Sweet, sweet boy.

GL (GoldenLady) is KC's 30 y/o adopted daughter from his ex-wive's first marriage. Lives in a western state. Recently divorced from third husband, KT (KingTut). GL has two children with her first husband, LL (Li'l Lady) & AB (AstroBoy), who live with their father in the Southwest; two daughters with her second husband, KM (KittyMeow) & PP (Puddin'Pie); and two daughters with KT: PC (Peaches-n-Cream) & GD (GumDrop). Sadly she just lost custody of her two children with KT.
PD(PuppyDog) is KC's 28 y/0 accountant son, who lives in the West with his SAHM wife, BB (BlondeBabe). They have a two year old little boy YD (YellowDucky), and a new baby boy, MS (Mr. Stood).
LC (LambChop) is KC's 27 y/o daughter who is a SAHM, but has a degree in accounting. Her husband, RB (RedBull) is also an accountant. They have a two y/o son, SJ (SmileyJoe), and an new baby girl, SM (Smiley Mae). They live on the West Coast.
FB (FlutterBy) is KC's 26 y/o daughter who lives in not far from us here in HappyTown with her husband, FG (FlashGordon), two y/o son, LM (Li'lMonkey), and baby daughter MG (Monkey Girl). FB has a teaching degree, but is a SAHM. FG manages a cell phone store.
CC (ChiChi) is KC's 23 y/o daughter and is married to SP (SanchoPanza). They live just 20 minutes from us in the next town, TooFarOut, and have three children now: a three y/o daughter, FP (FairyPrincess), a two year old boy, BS (Big Smurf), and new baby daughter, FF (Flower Fairy). CC is a SAHM but has an associates degree in Genreal Ed. SP is an accountant and owns a tax preparation business.
FJ (FridtJofr) is my ex-husband. He is married to JG (JessicaGranola), not shown.
They have a 10 y/0 son, AL (AquaLad). No picture of JG handy, I'll have to scan one later. JR (JessicaRabbit) is KC's ex wife.
Yes, both my ex-husband's wife, and my husband's ex-wife, share the same first name.